Installation view "Bliss, bliss, bliss" (15.03.-04.05.2024), Kunstraum Niederoesterreich, Vienna
Fri, 26.04.2024 15:00


hosted by Farah Saad and Parissima Taheri from Wir Sind Auch Wien

Past event

© Markus Gradwohl

In the framework of our current exhibition Bliss, bliss, bliss the Vienna-based platform Wir Sind Auch Wien hosts a safer space for Black People and People of Color at Kunstraum Niederoesterreich. This Community Care Space centers around the act of taking up space and is devised to hold space for empowerment, healing and care against the background of the art works and themes within the exhibition. 

The Community Care Space is free of charge and takes place in English and German according to the needs of the participants. Please register by sending a short email to with the subject “Care Space”. 

This event is exclusively geared at people who position themselves as BIPOC. BIPOC is an abbreviation for Black, Indigenous and People of Color, i.e. people affected by white supremacist and racist structures.  

The exhibition is closed for visitors during the workshop.

© Wir sind auch Wien

Wir sind auch Wien (We too are Vienna) is a platform for BIPoC (Black, Indigenous and People of Colour)-focused mental health. It creates safer spaces for self-care as well as regular community care and empowerment sessions. 

Topics at the forefront of this form of community healing often include internalised racism, negotiations of strength and weakness, accountability work, allyship, identity within the frame of the diaspora, liberation practice and race related trauma. At the core lays the exploration of histories and roots with stories of intergenerational trauma and intergenerational resilience. Wir sind auch Wien also works with psychosocial professionals in (un)learning about the intersection of racism and mental health, and lectures at both the FH for Social Work and the University of Vienna Psychology Department for the seminar Racism & Bio-Psycho-Social Health. 

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